
Fractional Realease Notes
We don't just AI IT, we create your Release Notes and redefine your company's destiny.
11th Annual AXIS Tel Aviv at The Peres Peace Centre
CyberTech at DLD Spark Innovation showcased a wide array of innovative companies and products.
.השנה דרונטק היה אחד הקונפרנסים הטובים שביקרתי בהם זמן מה
DroneTech this year was one of the best conferences I've been to in a long time.
Technical writers can break down complex ideas into clear content. When we looked to scale our multi-factor authentication efforts, a technical writer was our unsung hero.
“It is very obvious that most technology companies are predominantly male.”
What are your documentation pain-points? Are you committed to process management? Do you want turn-around on your ROI?
Does your Company provide services around the clock? Do you generate any number of document to support maintenance personnel?
techdoc resources
Like baking a cake there’s a recipe that companies need to follow to get the work done.
Techdocs go-to
Do you miss the 1-on-1 brainstorming when using AI? Once apon a time people used the 5 W's methodology - today we all use AI.